Pally's Palindromes

Pally's favourite word is saippuakivikauppias which is Finnish for a dealer in lye (caustic soda). It's the longest known palindromic word!

A palindrome is a word where the letters read backwards, give the same word. Another example is the word racecar.

Help Pally out by writing a program that which reads a string and tests if it is a palindrome.

Given racecar\n as input, it should print String is a palindrome. Otherwise if it is not a palindrome, it should print String is not a palindrome.

The output from your program should look exactly like this:

$ dcc pallys_palindromes.c -o pallys_palindromes
$ ./pallys_palindromes
String is a palindrome


Do not use scanf - use fgets to read the string.

You can assume lines contain at most 4096 characters.

Checking the palindrome should be case insensitive, i.e. a should be treated as the same letter as A.

CSE Autotest

When you think your program is working, you can use CSE autotest to test your solution.

$ 1511 csesoc-autotest pallys_palindromes


You can view the solution code to this problem here.